wro4j-extensions module, forked from the original wro4j-extensions module of the great WRO4J project (version 1.4.9 - last java5 compliant version) to compile on java 5 (yes, sometimes we're stuck with it...) All the java-6 restrictive modules have been removed, and the code adapted to compile on JDK5.
So, What remains ?
Well, kinda lot of stuff, I was surprised :
Css processors :
- Less
Js processors :
- BeautifyJs
- CoffeeScript
- DustJS
- Handlebars
- Hogan
- JsHint
- JsLint
- UglifyJs
Note that I only used the less processors, I didnt tests the other ones, but tests does pass, and there should be no reason for them not to work, due to the fact they are all based on Rhino.
How to use
I've deployed the artefact on my personnal repository. See There
Hope that will helps guy who are stuck on java5 on some projects, but who still want to use some of the great wro4j extensions !
Feel free to feedback.