
Responsive web application to boost your productivity. This ToDo-list application demonstration was build with Java and vaadin.

Primary LanguageJava


project in progress

Live demo

See the application live on Heroku - login as "Noah Smith" with "password".



Taskify is a ToDo list demo application build with java and vaadin. The web application covers the following features:

  • ToDo List
  • User management
  • Task analysis
  • Calendar


Clone the taskify repository and start a local web server (e.g. Tomcat) or run with jetty. To user jetty, run the following command:

mvn vaadin:compile jetty:run

To use with Tomcat, run the following command:

mvn vaadin:compile package


Local development with automatic refresh

mvn -Djetty.reload=automatic -Djetty.scanIntervalSeconds=2 jetty:run

Missing vaadin widgetset

mvn vaadin:compile

Deploy on Heroku

heroku create
git push heroku master