npm install
truffle compile
truffle test
export MNEMONIC="<mnemonic>"
- Make sure that all dependencies use solcjs >0.5.0
- Add
txParams['from'] = txParams['from'] || web3.currentProvider.getAddress(0)
of thezos-lib
virtualenv env -p python3
. env/bin/activate
python ./scripts/
truffle deploy
Verify Contracts:
- requires installed solc (>0.5.0)
virtualenv env -p python3
. env/bin/activate
pip install solidity-flattener
mkdir build/flattened_contracts
solidity_flattener contracts/GnosisSafe.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/GnosisSafe.sol
solidity_flattener contracts/libraries/CreateAndAddModules.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/CreateAndAddModules.sol --solc-paths="="
solidity_flattener contracts/libraries/MultiSend.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/MultiSend.sol --solc-paths="="
solidity_flattener contracts/modules/DailyLimitModule.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/DailyLimitModule.sol --solc-paths="="
solidity_flattener contracts/modules/SocialRecoveryModule.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/SocialRecoveryModule.sol --solc-paths="="
solidity_flattener contracts/modules/StateChannelModule.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/StateChannelModule.sol --solc-paths="="
solidity_flattener contracts/modules/WhitelistModule.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/WhitelistModule.sol --solc-paths="="
solidity_flattener contracts/proxies/ProxyFactory.sol --output build/flattened_contracts/ProxyFactory.sol
find build/flattened_contracts -name '*.sol' -exec sed -i '' 's/pragma solidity ^0.4.13;/pragma solidity ^0.5.0;/g' {} \;
When using the contracts via the Zeppelin OS make sure to choose an appropriate Proxy. An upgradable proxy enables the user to update the master copy (aka implementation). The default upgradable proxy is managed by an admin address. This admin address is independent from the owners of the Safe. Therefore it would be possible for the admin to change the master copy without the approval of any owner, thus allowing him to gain full access to the Safe.
All contracts are WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
All smart contracts are released under LGPL v.3.
- Stefan George (Georgi87)
- Richard Meissner (rmeissner)
- Christian Lundkvist (christianlundkvist)
- Nick Dodson (SilentCicero)
- Gonçalo Sá (GNSPS)