
Simple "rate limiter" to try GenServer and ETS

Primary LanguageElixir

Rate Limiter

Simple rate limiter to try GenServer and ETS

Run iex -S mix and then RateLimiter.start_link() to initialize GenServer and create the ETS table.

Then run RateLimiter.log/1 passing a string as ID, example: RateLimiter.log("user1"). This will update the request counter for the specified ID on the ETS table.

After several requests (5 per minute by default) we'll receive {:error, :rate_limited} if we keep calling the log function.

Every 60 seconds the ETS table will be cleared, allowing another 5 requests.


iex> RateLimiter.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.108.0>}

iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
{:error, :rate_limited}
iex> RateLimiter.log("user1")
{:error, :rate_limited}
iex> :ets.tab2list(:rate_limiter_requests)
[{"user1", 7}]