Automate the updating of your package.json packages with a grunt task
- 1
Dependency Security Vulnerability [Low]
#31 opened by EvanHerman - 1
- 4
error with node@6
#27 opened by diggy - 2
- 0
choosing "no" aborts
#23 opened by boneskull - 1
- 5
Support and parse GitHub dependencies
#18 opened by goloroden - 1
- 1
GitHub dependencies exclusion does not work
#19 opened by goloroden - 2
Skip update/install when not needed
#15 opened by vkadam - 9
"fail" updateType and "skip" options
#13 opened by lukemadera - 0
Add ignoredPackages option
#14 opened by pgilad - 5
feature request - bower support
#11 opened by Kikobeats - 0
- 6
- 4
Add some kind of caching?
#6 opened by voxpelli - 0
- 1
Option to check for latest compatible update
#5 opened by voxpelli - 1
No waiting for user output in some cases...
#3 opened by pgilad - 1
finding package.json isn't working, if you leave it null - it will use grunt devUpdate package.json
#4 opened by pgilad - 1