
version 2.05

QT theme (stylesheet) specially developed for FreeCAD (http://www.freecadweb.org/). It might work with other software that uses QT styling.

Blender stylesheet

It's being refactored due to the FreeCAD switch to Qt5, so it may have some bugs.


  1. This stylesheet is designed for FreeCAD 0.16 and above (download the last stable release here (http://www.freecadweb.org/))
  2. Place the .qss files and /images_blender/ folder in the path that fits your OS:
  • OSX = /Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/Library/Preferences/FreeCAD/Gui/Stylesheets/
  • WINDOWS = C:/[INSTALLATION_PATH]/FreeCAD/data/Gui/Stylesheets/
  • LINUX = /home/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/.FreeCAD/Gui/Stylesheets/


Copyright (c) 2019 Pablo Gil Fernández.

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.