Micronaut Weather CLI application

This repository is strongly inspired from micronaut-weather-cli by Olivier Revial. However, I have not forked the original repository and I have fully reimplemented the application from scratch, in particular because I wanted to test by myself the automatic generation of a CLI application template by Micronaut and also because the management of native compilation in the latest version of Micronaut has greatly evolved since the version used in the original repository.

Original description

The goal of this repository is to demonstrate a real-world use case of Micronaut with Picocli and GraalVM to generate powerful yet simple native images of a command-line application.

This application is built:

  • With Micronaut as its base: to show how to use HTTP Clients & other Micronaut such as auto-config
  • With Picocli to handle all CLI specificities such as options and positional parameters parsing or displaying useful help messages
  • With GraalVM "native-image" feature enabled in Micronaut so we can easily compile this application down to a native binary.
  • With Weatherbit.io weather API to show interactions with remote services
  • With ♥️, but there can still be bugs or problems, contributions are more than welcome !