Linux on a BeagleBoard-xM

Primary LanguageShell

Cross-Compiled Linux From Scratch - Embedded

On a BeagleBoard-xM (rev. C)

This document:

  • Booting a linux kernel with U-boot
  • Minimal filesystem hierarchy
  • Log in on a getty on serial port

Part 2: installing additional software

Host system

builder@beagle-build ~ % cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
builder@beagle-build ~ % arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --version
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Debian 8.3.0-2) 8.3.0
builder@beagle-build ~ % cat .zshrc.local


TODO: package (for)

  • build-essential
  • gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
  • bison
  • flex
  • bc
  • libncurses-dev
  • libssl-dev
  • kmod (?)
  • rsync (kernel headers_install)
  • makeinfo (binutils)



disk label: msdos

Device          Boot Size    Id  Type               Fs
/dev/mmcblk0p1  *    100M    c   Win95 FAT32 (LBA)  FAT16
/dev/mmcblk0p2       7479M   83  Linux              ext4


source: git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git
tag: v2019.10
defconfig: omap3_beagle_defconfig

EHCI errors

u-boot > v2019.10 throws EHCI timeouts:
TODO: biscect

EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80
EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80
EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008d80
EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80
EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80


Configuring the bootcommand for automatic loading of the kernel:

[*] Enable a default value for bootcmd
  (fatload mmc 0:1 0x80008000 zImage;fatload mmc 0:1 0x82000000 omap3-beagle-xm.dtb;bootz 0x80008000 - 82000000) bootcmd value

With the default env and configured bootcommand there is no need to store/load env so it can be disabled:

Environment  --->  
    [*] Environment is not stored
    [ ] Environment in a NAND device

Make and install

cp {u-boot.img,MLO} /path/to/sdcard/boot/


source: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds linux.git
branch: master
defconfig: omap2plus_defconfig

master branch is used as there has not yet been a release (5.6) since the merge of Wireguard at the time of writing.


/etc/rc.d/startup: line 13: can't create /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug: nonexistent directory

busybox's mdev which is used in CLFS-E needs legacy hotplug support.

Device Drivers  --->
    Generic Driver Options  --->
        [*] Support for uevent helper

Make and install

cp arch/arm/boot/{zImage,dts/omap3-beagle-xm.dtb} /path/to/sdcard/boot/

Filesystem hierarchy

Directories and files are created per the CLFS-E handbook with the following exceptions:


the startup init script will symlink /tmp (tmpfs) to /var/tmp. If /var/tmp is a directory this will result in the link /var/tmp/tmp on first startup and

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/tmp': File exists

on the second start. Therefore skip creating /var/tmp.

/etc/services, /etc/protocols

Fetching raw data from IANA with the gawk scripts provided by the iana-etc package results in HTTP errors

Status 403 Forbidden: User-Agent required. Contact iana@iana.org with questions.

Prebuilt files from the netbase debian package are used instead.

cp /etc/{services,protocols} /path/to/targetfs/etc/



source: git://git.busybox.net/busybox
branch: master
defconfig: defconfig


Settings  --->
    [*] Build static binary (no shared libs)

Make and install

make install
cp -r _install/* /path/to/targetfs/


source: https://github.com/cross-lfs/bootscripts-embedded.git
branch: master

make DESTDIR=/path/to/targetfs install-bootscripts