
DA1469x based plant monitor firmware

Primary LanguageC

BlueTanist plant monitor (MCU)

Based on the DA1469x Custom bluetooth service example project.


This application reads values from i2c-connected sensors (which monitor a plant's environment) and provides this data via a BLE GATT service.

The BlueTanist android app can be used to interact with this application.


  • Dialog DA14695 Development Kit – USB
  • Dialog SmartSnippets
  • Dialog SDK >=

Getting started

  1. clone this reposity to <DIALOG SDK>/projects
    $ cd ~/DIALOG/SDK_10.0.8.105/projects
    $ git clone https://github.com/pgils/ble_plant_monitor.git
  2. Update drivers (if needed; currently only BMP180 uses external driver)
    $ cd ble_plant_monitor
    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update
  3. Import project into SmartSnippets
  4. Enable needed drivers in custom_config_xxx.h
    #define dg_configSENSOR_BMP180                  ( 0 )
    #define dg_configSENSOR_HIH6130                 ( 1 )