
Single compartmental, ball-and-stick models implemented in XPP and full morphological model in Neuron.

Drosophila 3rd instar larval aCC motoneuron

This the the modeling package to accompany paper:

Cengiz Günay, Fred Sieling, Logesh Dharmar, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Verena Wolfram, Richard Marley, Richard A. Baines, and Astrid A. Prinz. Estimation of spike initiation zone and synaptic input parameters of an identified larval Drosophila motoneuron using a morphologically reconstructedor electrical model. In preparation.

Download from: http://www.biology.emory.edu/research/Prinz/Cengiz/Gunay_etal_2014.zip


XPPAUT 5.99 - http://www.math.pitt.edu/~bard/xpp/xpp.html

Neuron 7.1 - http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/

PANDORA 1.3b - http://software.incf.org/software/pandora


xpp-models/ Isopotential and ball-and-stick models and their figures (see figure_models.m).

neuron-model/ Multicompartmental model in Neuron (see figures.m).

Workflow/history of project:

  • Channel data were fit with the Neurofit tool and then re-adjusted with param-fitter in Matlab.
  • XPP models were built with these channels and hand-tuned to fit observed f-I, v-I, and delay.
  • Neuron model used these channels and some properties of the ball-and-stick model.
  • Morphological reconstruction passive parameters were tuned to recorded capacitance responses.
  • Channel distribution hand tuned to mimick observed current responses.

Please report problems/suggestions/comments to:

Cengiz Gunay (cengique AT users.sf.net)
