
Bridged ZeroTier VPN configuracion in Ubuntu Server 16.04LTS

Primary LanguageShell


This project show to set up a VPN given that we have access to a Linux machine inside the network and we do not have access to the router or other network configuration. We are going to use the free service ZeroTier.

Initial situation

Lets say we have a LAN with the configuration with IPs in the range The gateway is and we have an Ubuntu Server machine with IP We will use this machine for accessing the local network. It will act as an VPN server.

First step. Install and configure the ZeroTier Client

In this step we just need to follow the instructions in the ZeroTier web page. Open an ssh session to your server and type:

curl -s https://install.zerotier.com/ | sudo bash

After installing the client in the server we need to register in the ZeroTier DashBoard and create a network. Each network has a unique ID. We will use this ID to join the devices to the virtual network. To join a device to a network we have to type:

zerotier-cli join networkid

Remember that the networkid are the number code that you get in the web interface after creating the network. Once that our server inside the network is joined to the virtual network it should appear in the web interface and we should authorize it under the members section. For the server we also need to tick the Allow Ethernet Bridging and Do Not Auto-Assign IPs (only for the server). We also need to type the network address of the server in Managed Ips. For the rest of the clients that will join the network we need to configure which IPs are they going to get. We should configure this in the IPv4 Auto-Assign section. For instance my network has the following configuration.

vpn server ip
ips for vpn clients

In the Managed Routes we should type (for my case scenario), because that is the network I want to access. To end this first step we need to adjust one parameter in the server. Go to /var/lib/zerotier-one/networks.d/networkid.local.conf and set the flag allowDefault=1.

Second step. Configure the bridge.

We need to configure a bridge in order to be able to access the local network resources. For that we need to install in the server the package bridge-utils.

apt-get install bridge-utils

Edit the script bridge-start being carefull when adjusting the values of LAN_INT, BR_INT, ZT_INT, BRIDGE_IP and GATEWAY_IP. We can use ifconfig to get the first LAN_IT and ZT_INT. We can move know this script and the others (that we do not need to modify) to an appropiate directory.

mv bridge-start /usr/local/bin
mv make-tap /usr/local/bin
mv startvpn.sh /usr/local/bin

Set the execution flag to all the scripts using chmod +x scriptname Now we are going to use crontab to start our script after rebooting (maybe it would have been better to create another service, but this is simpler).

crontab -e

Write in the last line

@reboot  /usr/local/bin/startvpn.sh

Finally we need to remove the IP to the eth0 interface as the br0 interface is going to get the IP. For that we need to modify the file /etc/network/interfaces and put there:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual

Reboot the server and check with ifconfig that it creates all the interfaces (eth0, br0, zt.. and lo). Now you only need to install the zerotier client in other computers and simply join them to the same network. You should have access to all the network and its services.