
Challenges from Globo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Globo Challenge

This repository contains the codes required to fulfill the tasks presented by both challenges. The first folder contains the Python code responsible for treating the "planilha.txt" file. The second one contains the codes needed in order to build the web Ghibli API application.

First Challenge

The first folder contains the base file (planilha.txt), the developed python script and an example json output. As both imported libraries are native to Python, all is needed to run the script is a Python3 interpreter.
The command python regex.py should do the trick.

Second Challenge

As for the second challenge, the entirety of the source codes (and the public images folder) is comprised in the second folder. The structure is divided in folders representing different scopes. The styles folder contains styled tags, separated by context. The services folder contains the API handling. The other folders are mostly self-explanatory.

The Application has been made using NEXT.js as its base framework. The final result is built and deployed via Vercel, and can be accessed here.

If there is need to build it locally, a simple chain of commands should suffice (assuming that a recent version of Node.js is already installed):

  1. Download the source codes;
  2. Install the necessary dependencies contained on package.JSON via the command npm i;
  3. If willing to run it in development mode, run npm run dev. Otherwise, build the application with npm run build and then deploy it with npm run start.
