
A helper for painless use of AT command interfaces.

Primary LanguageRust


A helper for painless use of AT command interfaces.

Ever got annoyed by having to re-type some AT commands for your LTE modem over and over? Miss standard line editing and history capabilities? Well look no further! This little tool right here gives you

  • Line editing (correct those pesky +/!/^ mixups and put quotation marks in whatever order you want).
  • Unlimited history (you're just two keystrokes away from the next at!gstatus?).
  • History search (hit Ctrl+R to unlock this power user feature).
  • It even inserts the at for you!

Getting started (building from source)

  1. Get Rust
  2. In this directory, run cargo build --release
  3. Copy the binary from ./target/release/ (e.g. to ~/.local/bin/)
  4. Run swat help

Coming soon

  • Auto binary builds
  • Interface for running a single command