
A Swift wrapper for the InteractiveBrokers Portal API

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial Swift API client for the InteractiveBrokers Portal API.


Please try the api client and create issues on Github if you see any errors. Please also submit improvement requests and I will work on them.


The unofficial Swift API client library for Interactive Broker Client Portal Web API allows individuals with Interactive Broker accounts to manage trades, pull historical and real-time data, manage their accounts, create and modify orders all using the Swift programming language.

Setup Requirements

Before making requests through the api you need to authenticate and make a connection through the IB Gateway as describe in the getting started section of the docs. You can use an IB demo account to try out the api.

API Documentation and Resources

Client Documentation

Check out the detailed documentation for the api client.

Example usage

If you want to play with the api client check out the SwiftIBPortalApiExample target in the Swift package.

import Foundation
import SwiftIBPortalApi

let apiClient = APIClient(baseURL: "https://localhost:5000/v1/portal")
let ssoValidateRequest = IBPortalApi.Session.GetSsoValidate.Request()

// Example with full response
apiClient.makeRequest(ssoValidateRequest) { response in
    switch response.result {
    case .failure(let error):
        // The request failed or response contained an undocumented status code
    case .success(let responseValue):
        // responseValue is an enumaration of all docuemented response types, also includes error responses
        switch responseValue {
        case .status200(let succes):
            print("Hello \(succes.userName)")
        case .status401:
            print("It was a 401")
        case .status500:
            print("It was a 500")

// Example of request where we only want the success value and everything else is an error
apiClient.makeDecodableRequest(ssoValidateRequest) { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Request failed: \(error)")
    case .success(let success):
        print("Hello \(success.userName)")


Future usage

In the near future Swift will get modern async/await and a first class actor model for developing highly concurrent systems. The development of a client that make use of those features can be found on the async-await branch. When developed the usage will look like this:

import Foundation
import SwiftIBPortalApi

let apiClient = APIClient(baseURL: "https://localhost:5000/v1/portal")
let validateSSORequest = IBPortalApi.Session.GetSsoValidate.Request()
let getPortfolioAccountsRequest = IBPortalApi.Account.GetPortfolioAccounts.Request()

let handle = Task.runDetached {
    do {
        let ssoValidateResponse = await try apiClient.makeRequest(validateSSORequest)
        let getPortfolioAccountsResponse = await try apiClient.makeRequest(getPortfolioAccountsRequest)
    } catch {
