- 1
[Bug] TAP file output does not include the plan
#130 opened by ndavies-om1 - 2
- 2
Test fails when setting LC_ALL to German.
#128 opened by mdosch - 5
[BUG] `install` fails on GH Action
#126 opened by dalisoft - 2
- 1
Install script is broken on Alpine
#124 opened by camswords - 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 9
[BUG] `bash_unit:99` error `command not found`
#113 opened by dalisoft - 7
#110 opened by dalisoft - 5
[FEATURE REQUEST] Live/Development/Watch mode
#112 opened by dalisoft - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Show only failed test
#111 opened by dalisoft - 3
TAP format not valid
#31 opened by MichaelBitard - 10
Conditional skipping tests
#101 opened by schmidtandreas - 7
Thank you for the good work
#37 opened by pgrange - 2
- 2
- 6
setup and teardown per test function
#91 opened by pepdiz - 5
How to manage inter-test global variables?
#60 opened by marco-brandizi - 0
Improve fake to share parameters as array
#87 opened by fmarmar - 1
Support RE Matching
#80 opened by stuertz - 1
bash_unit version tag
#83 opened by n0vember - 6
Failing `test_block_20` in ``
#76 opened by TangoMan75 - 2
- 1
Feature Proposals
#72 opened by nemo1e8 - 8
- 5
- 3
Code coverage is planning?
#67 opened by roquie - 2
line 18 $'\r' command not found
#68 opened by humbienri - 2
Test script syntax error does not fail run
#54 opened by dcasavant - 1
New release?
#55 opened by anoother - 2
Deb signing key is expired
#56 opened by duckythescientist - 6
- 2
functions returning strings with spaces
#52 opened by Httqm - 0
- 1
Doc unit tests are failing
#50 opened by pgrange - 2
bash-unit debian package signature broken
#47 opened by pgrange - 4
test result isn't displayed in "chelou" case
#44 opened by mgodlewski - 0
Improve documentation
#40 opened by pgrange - 2
Error in readme.adoc
#45 opened by rafernandez - 2
functions name consistency
#35 opened by n0vember - 3
[feature request] Add a `pending` function
#38 opened by Pamplemousse - 6
man bash_unit
#19 opened by pgrange - 0
Version snapshot
#39 opened by pgrange - 1
bash_unit won't work with bash 3
#34 opened by pgrange - 4
TAP output
#28 opened by smcv - 0
bash_unit won't fail if last assertion is ok
#26 opened by pgrange - 0 script doesn't work on MacOS
#22 opened by markeissler