Switch Pulseaudio Sink

This repository includes two tools to switch pulseaudio default output and the output for every application to another sink.

  • Documentation (and FAQ – if any) can be found in this README.
  • There is currently no package to install the script. You need to download the script you want directly or clone the repository.
  • Feel free to file issues to report bugs, ask questions, or request features.
  • Feel free to open a pull request. Please use the black code formatter if modifying python code.


This python script aims to toggle between different outputs by cycling through different cards and profiles (A card plus profile lead to a sink). Cards and profiles can be filtered by providing a regex pattern. It can send a notification via GTK 3, if wanted.

If you do not filter for profile, the profile of the card will just stay the same.

To get a list of all Cards and Profiles:

./pulse-audio-cycle.py -v --dry --use-sink-description --with-unavailable

To get a overview of all options use:

❯ ./pulse-audio-cycle.py --help
usage: pulse-audio-cycle.py [-h] [-n] [-p CARD_REGEX PROFILE_REGEX]
                            [-c CARD_REGEX] [--use-sink-description]
                            [--with-unavailable] [--dry] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --notify          Use this to notify which Sink and Profile was swiched
                        With regex_for_card
                        regex_for_profile_the_card_should_get. Can be
                        provides multiple times – for different card
                        Regex pattern of cards to cylce through. Use in
                        combination with --profile to set profiles during
                        Instead of only looking at card names, also match
                        regex against sink description
  --with-unavailable    Don't skip unavailable profiles (if they match the
  --dry                 Don't change sinks or profile (Useless without -v)
  -v, --verbose         Print extra details for debugging purposes


Unlike switch-audio-sink.sh it does not offer an interactive selection. If anybody needs it, feel to open a PR with a new option for --selection-command 'dmenu' or something of that sort. Currently I do not have a use case for interactivity.


  • pulsectl
  • python 3.6 (Because of format strings)
  • GTK 3.0 for notifications


This rough bash script either works interactively to offer a selection of pulseaudio sinks to switch output default to (and all running applications) or toggles by a provided regex. It cannot switch profiles.

It precedes pulse-audio-cycle.py. Since switch-audio-sink.sh offers interactivity which pulse-audio-cycle.py does not, I kept the bash script for now. If the python version ever gets an interactive mode, it will be obsolete and get removed.


  • You can toggle by using -t PATTERN
  • You can send notification via notify-send with -n
  • Show current default output in dmenu with -d


  • pactl
  • dmenu if you use it interactively and not toggle trough options with -t
  • notify-send if you use -n


Just put the script you need in a place you like, e.g. ~/.local/bin/.


If you like to contribute to this repository, just open a PR and I will have a look at it.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Syphdias