
Console Pomodoro Timer written in golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Console Pomodoro Timer written in golang. It prints a countdown with progress bar.

Best fit using conky or your terminal.

Installation and Startup

go get github.com/blang/thymer
$GOPATH/bin/thymer -duration="25m" -interval="1s" -bar=30  


Usage of ./thymer:
-bar=20: Length of progressbar
-duration=25m0s: Pomodoro duration
-interval=1s: Update interval

My Conky

{"full_text": " Thymer ${exec tail -n 1 ~/.thymerlog} ", "color":"\#268BD2"},
{"full_text": " Doros: ${exec cat ~/.thymerlog | grep "Stopped" | wc -l} / ${exec cat ~/.thymerlog | grep "Interrupted" | wc -l}", "color":"\#268BD2"},

Start - Stop

Primitive Stop: killall thymer
Start: $HOME/bin/thymer -duration="25m" -bar=30 >> $HOME/.thymerlog 2>&1


  • Start thymer in background (in my case shortcut on i3)
  • tail the last log line to print current pomodoro status
  • Use grep to determine completed and interrupted pomodoros
  • Stop thymer via killall
  • Clear log every day


Feel free to make a pull request. For bigger changes create a issue first to discuss about it.


See LICENSE file.