ChatGPT in your terminal!
Author: Isak Barbopoulos (isak@xaros.org)
Install chat
NOTE: You need python, pip and an OpenAI API key before you can install chat
Open root folder in terminal and type:
pip install .
Create a file named '.env' in the root of this repo and add the following line:
OPENAI_API_KEY=<your OpenAI API key here>
Start chat
NOTE: Bind this to an alias (like 'chat') for easy access
python path/to/src/
Chat commands
Get command description:
/help save
Get list of commands and their aliases:
Save last line:
Print chat_history:
Print specific message in chat_history:
/history 2
Save a specific message from chat_history:
/history 5
Change config values:
/config prompt=default