Det blev ingen CD

I've been hosting det-blev-ingen-cd since 2004.

I do not have any copyright or knowledge about copyrights regarding the news article or the image within it. I do not have any copyright or knowledge about copyrights regarding the flag images.


Since 2018 the page is written in elm which requires compilation. Install elm-make and compile the source code into dbic.js which is the file included in the index.html.

$ npm install -g elm
$ elm-make Main.elm --output dbic.js


The translations are made with available translations tools like Babel Fish in 2004 except the danish version which was emailed to me at christmas 2012.

I don't think there's any need to add more translations at this time.


The included Dockerfile makes it possible to host the web page in a docker container. To run in docker, build the container. Note that a copy of the certificates defined in nginx.conf must be present in ./certificates (which is not included in the repository).

$ docker build -t det-blev-ingen-cd .

And start it (-d for detached).

$ docker run -d --name det-blev-ingen-cd det-blev-ingen-cd

Example to test that it's working with curl. This will probably not work with macOS since we cannot access the container that way.

$ DBIC_IP=$(docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" det-blev-ingen-cd) \
curl -sI --resolve$DBIC_IP | head -n1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

macOS example

Map and expose SSL port to the host machine.

$ docker run -d --name det-blev-ingen-cd -p 443:443 det-blev-ingen-cd
$ curl -sI --resolve | head -n1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


The site uses Let's encrypt to provide SSL.

To generate new certificates, install certbot-auto.

$ curl -O
$ chmod +x certbot-auto

And generate certificates.

$ ./certbot-auto certonly --nginx --debug -d -d

To renew certificates, just use the renew flag.

$ ./certbot-auto renew --nginx --debug