Network benchmarking and testing application for AtomVM
The application is composed of a test controller, typically running on a desktop using Erlang/OTP, and a test device, typically a micro controller running AtomVM.
The test device needs to connect to a wifi network. You will need to copy config.erl-template and fill in the wifi network details.
You can compile and flash the device with:
rebar3 atomvm pico_flash
rebar3 atomvm esp32_flash -p PORT
where PORT is the tty device of your device (e.g. /dev/tty.usbserial-11524D9FA8
Connect to the device using a serial console for the Pico (you may need to restart) or monitor. It will print out its IP address.
For example a Pico-W will output:
### ######## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ### ###
## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## #### ####
## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### ##
######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## ####### ## ## ### ## ##
Starting AtomVM revision 0.5.0
Found startup beam atomvm_netbench.beam
Starting atomvm_netbench.beam...---
Connecting to wifi access point
Device will listen on {192,168,1,197} port 40888
Waiting for connection from test controller
Remarks: this code requires AtomVM master branch or 0.6.0-alpha.2 or higher, even if it says 0.5.0.
Once the device is running, you can connect to it from a computer running Erlang/OTP. Make sure the test controller host is on the same network as the device.
You can compile the test controller with:
rebar3 escriptize
You can run it with
./_build/default/bin/atomvm_netbench IP_ADDR
For example, if the IP address printed by the device was {192,168,1,197}
To check implementation of tests, the "test device" can be a local Unix machine running AtomVM or OTP.
For the device using AtomVM:
rebar3 atomvm packbeam
../AtomVM/build/src/AtomVM _build/default/lib/atomvm_netbench.avm ../AtomVM/build/libs/atomvmlib.avm
For the device using Erlang/OTP:
rebar3 escriptize
./_build/default/bin/atomvm_netbench --device
For the controller:
rebar3 escriptize
Three tests are currently implemented:
- udp echo test: the device echoes an UDP packet sent from the controller, ten times.
- tcp echo test: the device connects to a TCP Server running on the controller, and echoes the messages sent from the host, ten times.
- tcp priv server test: the device runs as a TCP server and sends a file from priv to each client, while the controller connects ten times in parallel