Advent of Code 2021

As written in the Wikipedia

Advent of Code is an annual set of Christmas-themed computer programming challenges that follow an Advent calendar

My solutions to the 2021 edition Advent of Code 2021 are written in Python.

Running code

The code was written using Python 3.8.10, however it should be compatible with the default python3 command.

To run the solution for a given day for a given task run simply:

python3 --day 09 --task 02

The output is the time duration of the calculations.

day_09_task_02 took 0.00646[s]

By default the solution is run 100 times to have a stabilized time duration result. However there is a possibility to set it to your needs:

python3 --day 09 --task 02 --retry 10

You may want to check the calculated result with the expected one. In that case run:

python3 --day 09 --task 02 --expected-result 100


Last task was resolved on the 22th Jan 2022.

To run all task, the special script has been created:
