Link: Here

1. Tools for Application Users

  • Goole Console for learners
  • User authentication and authorization
  • GCP services and menus
  • Key Google Cloud services: Comepute
    • gcloud compute instances list --> check all virtual machine on GCP
  • Key Google Cloud services: Files and Data
    • search "Bucket" to the Files and Data.
  • Key Google Cloud services: IAM and more
  • Quiz
    • Question 1 of 5: What feature can you use to quickly locate particular cloud services?
      • Tree
      • Pin
      • Search (Correct Answer)
      • Button
    • Question 2 of 5: What method should you use with the Google Cloud Console?
      • Menu
      • API
      • Search (Correct Answer)
      • script
    • Question 3 of 5: You can quickly connect to Compute Engine Linux instances using the built-in _____ tool.
      • terminal
      • SSH (Correct Answer)
      • Remote Desktop
      • gcloud sdk
    • Question 4 of 5: How can you display storage bucket labels in the console?
      • with Help
      • with Search
      • with Filter
      • with Custom Display (Correct Answer)
    • Question 5 of 5: You use the _____ section to check, set, or verify object permissions.
      • Security
      • IAM (Correct Answer)
      • SCC
      • Permissions

2. Tools for Data Scientists

  • Enable APIs for DLVMs
  • Using Google Cloud or SDK with terminal
  • Using Google Colab notebooks
  • Using Google-managed notebooks
  • Using Big Query ML
  • Quiz:
    • Question 1 of 5: What URL will allow you to access a Colab Notebook?
    • Question 2 of 5: You want to shutdown the DLVM. Which command should you run?
      • gcloud compute instances stop $INSTANCE_NAME (Correct Answer)
      • gcloud compute instance pause $INSTANCE_NAME
      • gcloud compute instances pause $INSTANCE_NAME
      • gcloud compute instance stop $INSTANCE_NAME
    • Question 3 of 5: Which interface allows you to execute machine learning model queries in BigQuery?
      • Jupyter
      • MQL
      • Jupyter Lab
      • SQL (Correct Answer)
    • Question 4 of 5: You can use the _____ interface to access notebook features in a Vertex AI Notebook.
      • Remote Desktop
      • Jupyter
      • SSH
      • Jupyter Lab (Correct Answer)
    • Question 5 of 5: You want to create a DLVM. What do you need to enable first?
      • Vertex AI API (Correct Answer)
      • GCS API
      • GCE API
      • API

3. Tools for DevOps

  • Using Google Cloud scripts with Cloud Shell for storage
  • Deploying a VM with Google Cloud script
  • Running GCP Deployments (Terraform)
  • Monitoring GCP with Cloud Logging
  • Monitoring GCP Security with SCC
  • Designing GCP Solutions with Architecture Diagramming (../architecture)
  • Quiz:
    • Question 1 of 4: What would you use to quickly create a script to deploy a VM?
      • the console (Correct Answer)
      • the terminal
      • the SDK
      • the notebook
    • Question 2 of 4: You can use the _____ tool to interact with Cloud Storage.
      • gstorage
      • gcloud bucket
      • gsutil (Correct Answer)
      • bq
    • Question 3 of 4: The GCP SCC tools read from the Google Cloud _____ service.
      • monitoring
      • management
      • logging (Correct Answer)
      • observability
    • Question 4 of 4: Google Cloud references architectures can be drawn using _____ tools.
      • Integrated
      • Premium
      • Free (Correct Answer)
      • Enterprise

4. Tools for Developers

  • Coding with the GCP local Google Cloud SDK
  • Coding with the GCP add-in for VSCode
      1. install google cloud sdk
      1. intrall add-in "Cloud Code"
  • Storing code in Cloud Source Repositories
  • Storing artifacts in GCR or Artifact Registry
  • Storing secrets in Secrets Manager
  • Implementing CI/CD with Cloud Build
  • Quiz
    • Question 1 of 6: Google Cloud Source Repositories are designed to store _____.
      • application code (Correct Answer)
      • docker container images
      • key-value pairs
      • secrets
    • Question 2 of 6: You want to use the Google Cloud add-in for VSCode. What do you need to install locally?
      • Google Drive
      • Google Colabs
      • Google Authenticator
      • Google Cloud SDK (Correct Answer)
    • Question 3 of 6: Stored secrets as _______
      • named sets
      • named keyrings
      • named secrets (Correct Answer)
      • named images
    • Question 4 of 6: What can you store in the Artifact Registry?
      • application code
      • jar files (Correct Answer)
      • dockerfiles
      • certificates
    • Question 5 of 6: Where are CloudBuild outputs pushed to?
      • Cloud Source Repositories
      • Container Registry
      • Artifact Registry (Correct Answer)
      • Secrets Manager
    • Question 6 of 6: What command would you use to authenticate to the local GCP SDK?
      • gcloud login
      • gcloud int
      • gcloud auth login (Correct Answer)
      • gcloud info