This Blender & Figma addon offers you the possibility to load textures directly from Figma into Blender file. You can apply them directly to selected objects or simply paste them as a plane.
- aeriztsjhu
- AidenFaulconerAustralia
- Ane-A
- BorisKourtOrdinary Objects
- dani763fCopenhagen
- davo@DataDog
- elipoussonBaltimore City Department of Planning
- esrarchy
- Eurekarenton
- furkanb
- gregnr
- HazelAndrewsHumble, TX
- hirajanwin
- jayliu50
- mflknrRTL Technologies
- razvanabnone
- rprwhiteMargaret River
- sutra-ghCanada
- TANKKE1992
- thedigitaloctopus
- trhyder
- tuanductran@vnodesign
- umaxzhao
- VirilityNone
- zpengcom