FHAP - Fast Human Animation Prototyping


  • OpenCV 3
  • Tensorflow
  • Numpy

Instructions (Ubuntu)

This isn't even an alpha release. You should expect bugs.

  • clone this repo
  • execute install.sh
  • open blender 2.8+
  • go to Scripting tab
  • open the index.py file
  • change the SCRIPT_DIR variable (line 14) to the path you clonned the repo
  • press ALT + P to load the file (you Blender will freeze for some seconds)
  • go back to layout mode
  • create the armature (if you don't have one already)
  • assign the desired bones in FHAP Options inside Object Data Properties
  • assign a video source in FHAP Options
  • click Process. (your Blender will freeze for a long time before starting to create the animation)

Known issues

Blender freezes when loading the script

It's loading the needed libraries

Blender freezes for along time the first time the button Process is clicked

Tensorflow is loading all the needed models

Animation is "trembling"

Yap. Some smoothing will be implemented in future.

Animation sometimes is really incorrect

The model isn't perfect and it makes many mistakes. It can be mitigated by set each frame a score and striping out the bad ones. It might be implemented in future.

Armature does not translate automatically



  • animation smoothing
  • assign a score to each frame and strip out the bad ones
  • armature translation
  • turn this into a Blender plugin

How does it works?

Each video frame is feed to tf-pose-estimation model. It's 2D estimations are feed to 3d-pose-baseline model. It's 3D estimations are converted to Blender space.

Thanks to ArashHosseini for guidelines on his/her repo.