
That's a service dedicated to books management. You have an opportunity to borrow book, pay for it, and recieve notification about status of your borrowing.

Primary LanguagePython

Library Service

Online management system for book borrowings.


  • JWT authenticated.
  • Admin panel /admin/
  • Documentation at /api/doc/swagger/
  • Books inventory management.
  • Books borrowing management.
  • Notifications service through Telegram API (bot and chat).
  • Scheduled notifications with Django Q and Redis.
  • Payments handle with Stripe API.

Getting access

  • create user via /api/users/
  • get access token via /api/users/token/

How to run with Docker

Docker should be installed.

Create .env file with your variables (look at .env.sample file, don't change POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_HOST).

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

How to run locally (without docker)

Install PostgreSQL and create database.

  1. Clone project and create virtual environment
git clone git@github.com:phaishuk/Library-API.git
cd LibraryAPI
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # on MacOS
venv\Scripts\activate # on Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set environment variables

Check out .env.sample file -> put all necessary variables -> rename .env.sample to .env

  1. Make migrations and run server
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
  1. Getting daily scheduled notifications in Telegram
  • in settings.py in Q_CLUSTER configuration change redis host from redis to
  • start Redis server
  • run python manage.py qcluster
  • run in separate terminal python manage.py shell to open interactive console
  • to activate scheduled task write in the opened console from borrowing import tasks
  • the task will be first processed in a minute after activating and will be scheduled for the same time the next day

A telegram bot has already been created for this application - https://t.me/libraryapi_bot

  1. Write any message in bot
  2. To retrieve chat_id use script teleram-script.py.
  3. Add to env variables chat_id retrieved by script, to test functionality.