
Local Capacitor icon/splash screen resource generation tool

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Capacitor Assets (formerly cordova-res)

Note: Capacitor Assets isn't quite ready for use. For now, continue to use cordova-res as shown below. We will have an update once the new version of this tool is ready.

This tool will crop and resize JPEG and PNG source images to generate icons and splash screens for modern iOS, Android, and Windows. cordova-res was developed for use with Cordova, but Capacitor and other native runtimes are supported.


$ npm install -g cordova-res


cordova-res expects a Cordova project structure such as:

├── android
|   ├── icon-background.png
|   └── icon-foreground.png
├── icon.png
└── splash.png
  • resources/icon.(png|jpg) must be at least 1024×1024px
  • resources/splash.(png|jpg) must be at least 2732×2732px
  • config.xml is optional. If present, the generated images are registered accordingly

To generate resources with all the default options, just run:

$ cordova-res

cordova-res accepts a platform for the first argument. If specified, resources are generated only for that platform:

$ cordova-res ios

Otherwise, if config.xml exists, cordova-res will look for platforms (e.g. <platform name="ios">) and generate resources only for the configured platforms.


See the help documentation on the command line with the --help flag.

$ cordova-res --help

Adaptive Icons

Android Adaptive Icons are also supported. If you choose to use them, create the following additional file(s):

  • resources/android/icon-foreground.png must be at least 432×432px
  • resources/android/icon-background.png must be at least 432×432px

A color may also be used for the icon background by specifying the --icon-background-source option with a hex color code, e.g. --icon-background-source '#FFFFFF'.

Regular Android icons will still be generated as a fallback for Android devices that do not support adaptive icons.

📝 Note: For Cordova apps, Cordova 9+ and cordova-android 8+ is required.


To use cordova-res in Capacitor and other native runtimes, it is recommended to use --skip-config (skips reading & writing to Cordova's config.xml file) and --copy (copies generated resources into native projects).

For example, to generate icons and splash screens for iOS and Android in Capacitor, run:

$ cordova-res ios --skip-config --copy
$ cordova-res android --skip-config --copy

You can use --ios-project and --android-project to specify the native project directories into which these resources are copied. By default, cordova-res copies Android resources into android/ and iOS resources into ios/ (the directories Capacitor uses).



To avoid committing large generated images to your repository, you can add the following lines to your .gitignore:


Programmatic API

cordova-res can be used programmatically.

CommonJS Example

const run = require('cordova-res');

await run();

TypeScript Example

run() takes an options object described by the interface Options. If options are provided, resources are generated in an explicit, opt-in manner. In the following example, only Android icons and iOS splash screens are generated.

import { Options, run } from 'cordova-res';

const options: Options = {
  directory: '/path/to/project',
  resourcesDirectory: 'resources',
  logstream: process.stdout, // Any WritableStream
  platforms: {
    android: { icon: { sources: ['resources/icon.png'] } },
    ios: { splash: { sources: ['resources/splash.png'] } },

await run(options);

Cordova Reference Documentation