
A vim plugin for working with SilverStripe

Primary LanguageVimL

SilverStripe VIM

A vim plugin for working with SilverStripe.

  • SilverStripe template syntax highlighting
  • SilverStripe template indentation
  • Matchit support


Install for Pathogen

cd ~/.vim/
git clone git://github.com/phalkunz/vim-ss.git bundle/vim-ss

Install for Vundle

Add Plugin 'phalkunz/vim-ss' to your .vimrc and do a :PluginInstall.

Manually install

git clone git://github.com/phalkunz/vim-ss.git vim-ss
cp -R vim-ss/syntax/* ~/.vim/syntax/
cp -R vim-ss/ftdetect/* ~/.vim/ftdetect/
cp -R vim-ss/ftplugin/* ~/.vim/ftplugin/

Future features

  • Jump between page and page controller
  • Jump between page (or page controller) and template



Vim License. See :help license.