
Implementation of several C++ standards proposals for supporting allocators

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

The uses-allocator repository

This repository contains two C++ Standards proposals and their sample implementations. The two proposals both have to do with allocators, but are otherwise pretty loosely coupled. They exist in the same directory just because it was convenient at the time. That may change in the future.

P0591 Utility functions to implement uses-allocator construction

This paper proposes a set of utility functions to make it more convenient to implement allocator-aware containers. These functions can also make the standard more readable by centralizing the logic for constructing objects using allocators, including std::pair, which does not use an allocator directly, but which may contain members that use allocators.

o P0591-uses-allocator.md: This is the text of the paper, in Pandoc Markdown format.

o uses_allocator.h: Implementation of facilities proposed in P0591

o uses_allocator.t.cpp: Test driver for uses_allocator.h.

o Makefile: Type make uses_allocator to build and run the test driver.

o test_assert.h: Utility macros used in test drivers.

o make_from_tuple.h: Implementation of C++17 make_from_tuple function and C++ apply function.

o make_from_tuple.t.cpp: Test driver for make_from_tuple.

P0208 Copy-swap transactions

This paper proposes utility functions that more cleanly express the copy-swap idiom used for exception safety and make the idioms work correctly with different allocator propagation traits.

o P0208-copy_swap_transaction.docx: Text of the paper, in MS Word format.

o copy_swap_transaction.h: Implementation of the proposed facilities

o copy_swap_transaction.t.cpp: Test driver for copy_swap_transaction.h.

o Makefile: Type make copy_swap_transaction to build and run the test driver.