Top-down learning path: Quantiative Analysis for Investment

Inspired by - ZuzooVn - John Jwasham

How I (Tu Anh) plan to become a Financial Engineer

Table of Contents

What do I have for you ?

This is my long-term study plan for going from Equity Analyst to Financial/Machine Learning Engineer (self-taught, no CS degree) through real-life problem and research material from books, industry leaders, online course and top-ranked course from US (ref below)

My main goal was to find an approach to studying Financial Engineer that is mainly hands-on and abstracts most of the Math for the beginner. This approach is unconventional because it’s the top-down and results-first approach designed for Financial Engineers.

In investing, there are two way for you to get your alpha , you have more information or you processing the data you have faster. I choose the latte and I want all of you to be a part of my journey.

Please, feel free to make any contributions and feedback.

Why use it?

I'm following this plan to advance in my career Quantitative Research. I've been study and working in Finance Industry since 2013. I have a Finance/Investment Banking degree, not a Financial Engineering degree. I have an itty-bitty amount of basic knowledge about: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Probability & Statistics from university.

I think the best way for practice-focused methodology is something like 'practice — learning — practice', that means where students first come with some existing projects with problems and solutions (practice) to get familiar with traditional methods in the area and perhaps also with their methodology. After practicing with some elementary experiences, they can go into the books and study the underlying theory, which serves to guide their future advanced practice and will enhance their toolbox of solving practical problems. Studying theory also further improves their understanding on the elementary experiences, and will help them acquire advanced experiences more quickly.

It's a life study plan. It's going to take me my whole life since quantitative is evolving everyday.

Data processing and curation

Data Source - OHLC/Volume

  • yfinance - Yahoo! Finance market data downloader (+faster Pandas Datareader)
  • findatapy - Python library to download market data via Bloomberg, Quandl, Yahoo etc.
  • googlefinance - Python module to get real-time stock data from Google Finance API.
  • pandas-datareader - Python module to get data from various sources (Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, FRED, OECD, Fama/French, World Bank, Eurostat...) into Pandas datastructures such as DataFrame, Panel with a caching mechanism.
  • pandas-finance - High level API for access to and analysis of financial data.
  • exchange - Get current exchange rate.
  • coinmarketcap - Python API for coinmarketcap.
  • investpy - Financial Data Extraction from with Python!
  • FinanceDataReader - Open Source Financial data reader for U.S, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese Stocks
  • VNquant - API for Vietnamese Stocks

Investment Strategies/Alpha/Feature Analysis:

  • Technical Strategies
  • Fundamental Strategis(To be updated)
    • Canlism, Buffett, Value, Growth, Piotroski, Altman, Beneish

Portfolio Management/Diversified:

Back test:



Book List:


About Video Resources

To be update: Programming/Risk_Management/Execution/Software Development/HPC Infrastructure

Industry Leader

Top ranking School in Quantitative Finance

Kaggle Competion and Note Book:

Kaggle is a great place to start for student, research who first starting with Quantitative and Machine Learning.