Booking Portal


  1. cd client from root folder.
  2. Run yarn to install client.
  3. Run yarn start to run client.
  • Reactjs + Redux to create client and manage state.
  • Ant Design to create component.
  • Scss to create structure of UI include responsive on mobile.
  • Axios to call API.
  • Eslint to format code.


  1. cd server from root folder.
  2. Run yarn to install server.
  3. Run yarn server to run server.
  4. Go to request.http to see all Apis.
  • Node js + Express to create API.
  • Joi to validate input from client.
  • Argon2 to hash password.
  • JWT to verify and create token.
  • MongoDB to store data.
  • Eslint to format code.
  • Nodemon to auto reload when saving new code.
  • Type of Event can be editable from Database.