Sofar ME3000SP RS485 TCP to MQTT

This is a script that can be used to read and write to the Sofar ME3000SP controller, connected through a RS485 TCP adaptor. (For example with a PUSR USR-TCP232-304)


1. Using Docker compose

  • Copy the default.env file to override.venv and modify the values according to your desire in the override.env file.

  • Deploy with MQTT server:

    • docker compose --profile mqtt up
  • Deployo without MQTT server (if you are running one you like to use for example):

    • docker compose up

2. Running it as a service

  • Create a Python3 Virtual Environment: python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run script first time: python3 sofar_poller/
  • Modify generated settings.ini file accordingly.
  • If wanted, create a service based on the systemd/system/sofar_rs485_tcp_to_mqtt.service file included.

3. ???

4. Profit!


1. Reading

Message will be pushed to configured MQTT broker at defined interval. This could be used for Home Assistant. Perhaps an example will be added later.

2. Commands

  • To put the Sofar ME3000SP in standby mode, send an MQTT message to te defined CMD topic appended with /charge in the configuration with a payload of true

    Example using mosquitto_pub: mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m true -t sofarsolar/cmd/standby

  • To put the Sofar ME3000SP in auto mode, send an MQTT message to te defined CMD topic appended with /charge in the configuration with a payload of true

    Example using mosquitto_pub: mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m true -t sofarsolar/cmd/auto

  • To put the Sofar ME3000SP in charging mode, send an MQTT message to te defined CMD topic appended with /charge in the configuration with a integer payload of the amount of watts to charge with.

    Example using mosquitto_pub: mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m "1500" -t sofarsolar/cmd/charge

  • To put the Sofar ME3000SP in discharging mode, send an MQTT message to te defined CMD topic appended with /charge in the configuration with a integer payload of the amount of watts to discharge with.

    Example using mosquitto_pub: mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m "1500" -t sofarsolar/cmd/discharge


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