
Autonomous and controllable robot through an application developed in Visual Basic for windows. The robot performes tasks such as grabbing and releasing objects, chasing objects, and avoid obstacles. These functions can either be performed automatically or be controlled via Bluetooth communication using a PC. The hardware was entirely designed using CIRCAD software and the components were soldered using a micro soldering. A few of the components used are the ultrasonic sensors (Used to avoid obstacles or chase objects), infrared sensor (used to recognize the presence of an object to active the pliers), stepper motor (used for the movement of the pliers), and a Bluetooth module (used for the communication between pc and robot). The information sent and data is processed by a PIC 16 F877A which is installed on a custom made motherboard specifically designed for the dimension of the robot. This project can extensively be improved and many other functions can be implemented.

Primary LanguageAssembly


Autonomous and controllable robot through an application developed in Visual Basic for windows. The robot performes tasks such as grabbing and releasing objects, chasing objects, and avoid obstacles. These functions can either be performed automatically or be controlled via Bluetooth communication using a PC. The hardware was entirely designed using CIRCAD software and the components were soldered using a micro soldering. A few of the components used are the ultrasonic sensors (Used to avoid obstacles or chase objects), infrared sensor (used to recognize the presence of an object to activivate the claw), stepper motor (used for the movement of the claw), and a Bluetooth module (used for the communication between the pc and robot). The information sent and data are processed by a PIC 16 F877A which is installed on a custom made motherboard specifically designed for the dimension of the robot. This project can extensively be improved and many other functions can be implemented.

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