
React like library

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is an implementation of React as noted here


  • Reconciliation
  • Mount a single react tree
  • Unmount a react tree at a node
  • Lifecycle
  • SVG
  • Event handling
  • Functional component
  • Batched update
  • Object style style attribute (currently a string)


  • Modify App.tsx
  • Run npm start

Implementation Notes

Mage implementation notes


  • setState
  • props
  • eventHandling

Data structures

  • Descriptor (virtual dom): Composite or Simple.
  • Mounted dom.__vnode = descriptor + rendering state


  • Mount -> Update
  • Update(self) = Unmount + Mount new | Update-atrtibute + Update-children
    • Update-attribute = Add | Replace | Remove
    • Update-children = for each child -> Update(child)

How to find the differences between each render

VDom structure

Prevtree Current tree

VNode = { nodeName: string props: {} dom: Element parent?: VNode }

Each vdom node is either a pure vnode or component 1 VNode
VNode vnode(‘div’, {}, vnode)

2 VNode Component

3 Component VNode

Reconciliation = reconcile props + reconcile children

Reconcile props

Reconcile children VNode:
O O / -> / A B

   O              O
 /       ->     


   O              O
        ->      /

   O              O
 /       ->      /

A,B A | ABC | BA |

different nodeName => rerender. parentDom = oldVNode.dom.parent parentDom.replaceChild(render(newVNode),oldVNode.dom) same node: patched(dom, newVNode) how to maintain the previous node? Component different nodeName =>