
A Robot for Solving 3x3 Rubik's Cubes

Primary LanguageC

Scorpions - A Robot for Solving 3x3 Rubik's Cubes

  • We implement data structures and algorithms for solving cubes based on the CFOP method. The implementation is stored in the RubikAlgorithm folder.

  • We use the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller to rotate the robot arms to exact degrees, recognize the color of the cube's cells, and transmit data between the MCU and a PC for solving algorithms. The STM32 project is stored in the RubikSolver_STM32 folder:

    • To rotate the robot arms, we generate PWM signals at the GPIO pins using a timer interrupt. The duty cycle of generated signal depends on the desired rotation degrees.
    • To recognize the color of the cells, we use TCS34725 color sensors and read the sensory data via I2C communication, based on the code example on the manufacturer's website.
    • To send data between the MCU and a PC, we use the built-in USB communication of STM32CubeIDE projects.
  • We read the sensory data transmitted from the MCU to a PC using the LibUSB C library. After the solving algorithm is completed, we send the algorithm's result back to the MCU to control the robot arms and physically solve the cube. The code for this mechanism is stored in the USBCommunication folder.