Project Name

Brief description of your project.

Table of Contents


  • Download PubMed: Provides the functionality to download PubMed articles from the PubMed Central (PMC) database and save them locally for future analysis.

  • Frequency Analyst: Offers a tool for analyzing the frequency of keywords and generating insights from the data. Additionally, it provides the ability to visualize the Zipf Distribution computation (frequency spectrum for terms).

  • Edit Distance: Includes a feature to calculate the edit distance between keywords and terms within the articles. This is valuable for identifying approximate matches and relevant results.


  • Streamlit: The primary framework for building the user interface and integrating different features.

  • Bio.Entrez: Integrated to interact with PubMed's database for article retrieval.

  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: Utilized for creating interactive visualizations, including Zipf Distribution plots.

  • NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): Employed for text processing, including stopword removal and stemming.

  • Porter Stemmer: Used for text normalization.

  • Programming-Based Edit Distance Computation: Used to compute the edit distance between keywords and terms within the articles. This is essential for identifying approximate matches and relevant results.

Displaying Retrieval Results

The retrieval results can be displayed in a format that indicates the location(s) and/or partial matches of the search terms within the articles. This feature provides users with quick access to relevant content and helps them pinpoint specific information within the retrieved articles.

How to Run

To run this project locally, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the required Python libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. Run the application using Streamlit with the command streamlit run

  3. Access the web application by opening a web browser and navigating to the provided URL.

Video Demo


The "Project Name" project offers a powerful and user-friendly tool for analyzing and managing PubMed articles. With advanced features such as Zipf Distribution computation, Porter's algorithm, programming-based Edit distance computation, and intuitive interfaces, this application is an ideal choice for researchers and professionals in the biomedical field. Whether you need to download PubMed articles, conduct keyword frequency analysis, visualize Zipf Distribution, or retrieve results with pinpointed information, this application has you covered.