
🐱 Module for OpenPaaS ESN

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Chat component for OpenPaaS ESN.


Note: The following instructions assumes that you have already installed OpenPaaS ESN in the path referenced by $ESN below.

While waiting for a npm-based dependency injection handler, you have to install the Chat and Emoticon components in OpenPaaS ESN like this:

1. Clone linagora.esn.chat and linagora.esn.emoticon

Clone the linagora.esn.chat and linagora.esn.emoticon repositories.

git clone https://ci.open-paas.org/stash/scm/om/linagora.esn.emoticon.git
git clone https://ci.open-paas.org/stash/scm/om/linagora.esn.chat.git

Go inside OpenPaaS ESN repository:

cd $ESN
npm install
npm link

Go inside linagora.esn.emotion folder and run:

npm install

Go inside linagora.esn.chat folder and run:

npm link linagora-rse
npm install

2. Add the modules in the OpenPaaS ESN configuration file

You must add "linagora.esn.emoticon" and "linagora.esn.chat" in the modules section in $ESN/config/default.NODE_ENV.json. NODE_ENV is the environment variable used to define if the node application is running in 'production' or in 'development' (the default environment is 'development'). Copy the 'modules' array from $ESN/config/default.json into $ESN/config/default.NODE_ENV.json ($ESN/config/default.development.json or $ESN/config/default.production.json) and add the "linagora.esn.emoticon" and "linagora.esn.chat" items:

"modules": [

3. Create symbolic links

The modules must be available in the $ESN/modules folder:

cd $ESN
ln -s path_to_emoticon modules/linagora.esn.emoticon
ln -s path_to_chat modules/linagora.esn.chat


Once installed, you can start OpenPaaS ESN as usual. The Chat module is available in the application grid menu.

Run in Docker

1. Run OpenPaaS

Pull docker containers and start them using docker-compose as described in the OpenPaaS documentation.

cd $ESN
docker-compose -f ./docker/dockerfiles/platform/docker-compose-images.yml pull
ESN_PATH=$PWD PROVISION=true ESN_HOST= DOCKER_IP= docker-compose -f ./docker/dockerfiles/platform/docker-compose-images.yml up

2. Add emoticon and chat dependencies to OpenPaaS

  • Connect to the esn container
docker exec -it esn bash
  • Clone emoticon repository, then install dependencies
cd /var/www/modules
git clone https://ci.open-paas.org/stash/scm/om/linagora.esn.emoticon.git
cd linagora.esn.emoticon
npm install --production
bower install --production --allow-root
  • Clone chat repository, then install dependencies
cd /var/www/modules
git clone https://ci.open-paas.org/stash/scm/om/linagora.esn.chat.git
cd linagora.esn.chat
npm install --production
bower install --production --allow-root
  • Add the modules in the configuration
apt-get update
apt-get install vim
vi /var/www/config/default.json

Then add chat and emoticon modules in the modules list

"modules": [

3. Restart the ESN container

The ESN must be restarted to take new modules into account, from your terminal:

docker restart esn