Table of Contents

Health Application


  • NodeJS 16+ (latest LTS, which should be 18 by now, is recommended)

Quick Overview


Arent3d's assessment is not complicated, but the amount of things that need to be solved is considerable. It must:

  • Comply with the design (color palette, font families,...)
  • There are three screens with different kinds of component.
  • It must emulate real-world use cases such as click-to-scroll, data filtering, data fetching,...
  • While it's not required, but mobile-screen responsibility is a plus, so I decided to implement it anyway.
  • It has charts (to be more precise, Line Chart), and it should display some data, with filters.


  • I decided to use NextJS. So I don't need to care about setting up routing, also Vercel can host it for me.
  • I created Mock API requests to fetch mock data and display them on the pages.
  • I used Tailwind CSS to style the application. To simulate real API requests,

*** Bonus features *** :

  • On Top page, implement filter functions that allow users to filter meals by clicking on categories: Morning, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack.

  • Implement mock APIs that simulate real API requests and return mock data for the following APIs:

    • Achievement rate API
    • Body record graph API
    • Meal history API
    • My exercise API
    • My diary API
    • Article API
  • Display a loading spinner while fetching data from each API for every widget.

  • Make all three pages responsive on all screen sizes.

  • Write a few test cases to demonstrate the testing aspect.

  • Make load more data diary,article,meal history API when user click button

  • Custom 404 page when the route not correct

  • Make SEO for all pages


Github Repo: Repo link

To verify that the application is working as intended, please visit these links (or you can run locally - see below):

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  • React (18.2.0)
  • NextJS
  • TypeScript


  • Tailwind CSS: used for styling components, page layout,...


  • React testing library: React component testing
  • Jest: utility testing

Hosting and Deployment

  • Vercel: hosting & continuous deployment

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├── mockData         ---> Mock data (meals, diary, graph data,...)      
├── services         ---> Mock API fetch mock data
public               ---> Contains images, icons, etc.
├── icons
└── images
hooks                ---> Reusable custom hooks (e.g API fetch)
layouts              ---> Layout components defining common structure of a page which then used in all pages
components           ---> Components used in a page 
├── PageAComponent
|── PageBComponent 
├── PageCComponent
shared               ---> Components shared across all pages
├── ComponentA
|── ComponentB
├── ComponentC     
├── pageA            ---> A page of the application (correspond to a route)
|   └── index.tsx
├── pageB
|    └── index.tsx
types                ---> Contains custom Typescript typing definitions.
├── api.types.ts  
├── data.types.ts
styles               ---> Contains custom Css for components and pages
├── global.css       
├── moduleA          ---> Util module for important calculation
├──  tests           ---> Unit tests for each module
|       ├── fn1.test.ts
|       ├── fn2.test.ts
tailwind.config.js   ---> define global style variables such as colors + plugins

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Setup / Installation

node and npm (or yarn) are required to be installed on your machine.

Clone this repository.

At the root directory:

Install packages: yarn install (or npm install)

Then, run the development server:

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev
# or
npm dev


It usually run on port 3000. Access localhost:3000 for the dev website

I also include a Dockerfile for Docker deployment, if you are into that as well. It runs on port 4173 by default so you might want to forward the port later.