- 1
- 1
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nodes'
#135 opened by Viper1-1 - 4
- 0
Embedding crowded with some fixed node
#139 opened by Yangxiaojun1230 - 0
Cannot import deepwalk
#138 opened by FSSEKYERE - 0
Project dependencies may have API risk issues
#134 opened by PyDeps - 1
How to create .mat files for CORA Dataset
#131 opened by donwany - 2
- 1
Please publish a new release on PyPI
#132 opened by Stannislav - 0
several code changes during my test
#130 opened by godlockin - 0
Make deepwalk usable from within python?
#128 opened by apwest - 1
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
#121 opened by Carlyen - 2
ImportError: cannot import name 'Vocab'
#125 opened by lostdirt - 2
nodes number
#126 opened by quanweiyin - 3
- 0
How to assess edgelist by using
#124 opened by a962097364 - 2
Is there any detail about adaptability which been mentioned in section 3?
#106 opened by zhangdongaoZzz - 1
- 0
- 3
concurrent.futures.process.BrokenProcessPool: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending
#95 opened by fenglonz - 0
```concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor``` may lead to wrong embedding ?
#119 opened by DachuanZhao - 2
A question about generating random walks
#110 opened by mkhoshdeli - 4
No documentation
#113 opened by GuillaumeDesforges - 0
- 2
default factory changed?
#117 opened by EtienneGagnon1 - 1
Running from within notebook
#115 opened by jdmoore7 - 1
#116 opened by shoulaxiao - 1
dictionary changed size during iteration
#109 opened by Do-no-evil - 1
Why do we need vocabulary_counts in
#111 opened by phucdoitoan - 2
Option to use pre-trained embeddings as initializers
#107 opened by mmcenta - 7
How to apply deepwalk on features only?
#102 opened by Abhinav43 - 2
- 3
Deepwalk: Command not found
#96 opened by YutingSun163 - 5
- 2
- 2
Some questions when I run code
#94 opened by Shodowelf - 2
- 5
- 0
- 1
Seed feature do not work
#88 opened by ttuygun - 4
Scoring does not support edgelist or adjlist
#89 opened by JerryLife - 4
'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'tocoo'
#77 opened by Anjs04 - 5
Confuse about the code
#82 opened by Sean0719 - 1
- 2
- 0
- 4
Curious about the F1-score
#83 opened by ljy19940805 - 1
Add n-gram option for embedding training
#80 opened by AngusKung - 1
Questions about
#79 opened by lxzmxl - 1 bug
#75 opened by Anjs04