What Is This?

This demo provides simple utilities to connect to a workstation default camera device and display it in a window like below:


colcon build --packages-select image_tools


In image_tools ROS 2 package, two executables are provided, namely cam2image and showimage with different functions.

1 - cam2image

Running this executable connects to your workstation's default camera device's video stream and publishes the images on '/image' and '/flipimage' topics using a ROS 2 publisher.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run image_tools cam2image

Note that cam2image provides many useful command-line options. Run ros2 run image_tools cam2image --help to see the list of options available.

Eg. If a camera device is not available, run ros2 run image_tools cam2image --ros-args -p burger_mode:=true.

2 - showimage

Running this executable creates a ROS 2 node, showimage, which subscribes to the sensor_msg/msg/Image topic, /image and displays the images in a window.

# Open new terminal
# Run showimage ROS 2 node to display the cam2image sensor_msg/msg/Image messages.
ros2 run image_tools showimage