
An AdventureLand MMORPG bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PBot - An AdventureLand bot.

DV: @version 0.27.0_028_85a83f5_2020-03-08_20:02:42

Author: Joseph Pahl

Version: @tag 0.29.0



AdventureLand is a MMORPG game in which you write JavaScript, also known as CODE, that controls your character(s).

PBot is my personal AdventureLand bot that is currently being developed for playing the game.

I personally find AdventureLand fun as I grew up playing Multi User Dungeons (MUD) back in the day. MUDs are a text base role playing game. Scripting for AdventureLand reminds me of those days of playing on a MUD called Three Kingdoms.

AdventureLand website: https://adventure.land/


I am a professional developer with over 10 years of experience in creating web based applications. As such I do love and have a tendency to use professional IDEs. I used PHPStorm to create this project and have no intentions to ever stop. With that said, I also do not plan to assist anyone in using this bot if I ever make it public. PBot comes as it is and I do not promise anything other than here is the bot that is being developed to play the AdventureLand game.

I use the file watchers within PHPStorm to automatically execute webpack to compile the various files together into one file.

How to get started

As stated below, this project uses Webpack to compile the project into one file for use within AdventureLand. It is highly recommended to use a professional IDE while contributing/working with this project.

Requirements: - NodeJS must be installed and functioning on the machine used to compile this project. - A Node based package manager must be installed and working on the machine to compile this project.

  1. Clone the this repository on to a local machine.
  2. Open a terminal to the root of the project.
  3. Type npm install or yarn install to install the needed development dependencies.
  4. Execute webpack.
  5. Copy the generated Pbot.js file located in the dist folder into your clipboard.
  6. Paste the code into your CODE section of AdventureLand.

Auto Version for files

The version, and since, identifiers within the file documentation blocks as well as the verison identifier for this readme are all done automatically using a hook within the Git system.

The versions of files within this application was done by the pre-commit script that is located in the .githooks folder.

Note: The GIT based auto version system only works on the following file types:

- PHP   :   *.php
- CSS   :   *.css
- SCSS  :   *.scss
- JS    :   *.js
- MD    :   *.md
- HBS   :   *.hbs

To activate the auto versioning:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Type the following command in the command line while being within the local repository folder:

git _config core.hooksPath ./githooks

NOTE: You will have to execute the git commit commands via the terminal using PhpStorm due to an un-known bug in the pre-commit file for git. All other version control system (VCS) options within PhpStorm will still work as intended.

The master branch of the repository should only hold working versions of PBot.

Instructions for pushing a new version to repository:

  1. Make the changes to the scripts as needed.
  2. Type git tag -a -m "<Version note>" <version number>
  3. Type git add .
  4. Type git commit -m "<commit message>"
  5. Type git push --follow-tags


The Yarn Package Manager (Yarn) is used to manage the JavaScript packages, that are contained within the NPM repo, used within PBot. It is recommended that Yarn Package Manager is used however there is a possibility that NPM could also be used.

The front end packages are found under the node_modules directory but the actual package.json file is located in the root folder.

This section describes on how to add, remove, or update the packages within the node_modules folder. All of the instructions below are executed on a terminal/command line.

  • Update:

    • In the root folder type:
      • NPM: npm update,
      • Yarn: yarn install
  • Add/install:

    • In the root folder type:
      • NPM: npm install <package name>
      • Yarn: yarn add <package name> --dev or yarn add <package name>
  • Remove/uninstall

    • In the root folder type:
      • NPM: npm uninstall <package name
      • Yarn: yarn add <package name> --dev or yarn add <package name>

PhpStorm File watchers

It is highly recommended that to use PhpStorm's file watchers while developing PBot.

Three file watchers will need to be set up

  • SCSS : Watches for changes to SASS files.
  • JS : Watches for changes to JavaScript files.
  • HBS : Watches for changes to hbs files.

The file watcher settings below are for setting up Webpack to automatically fire yarn run build when a file type listed above changes. Using PhpStorm's file watcher, Webpack, and PhpStorm's auto deployment combined delivers a decent development environment.

  1. Open the settings dialog in PhpStorm.
  2. Find and unfold the Tools settings in the left side of the dialog window.
  3. Click on File Watchers settings in the left side of the dialog window.
  4. Three File Watchers need to be set up, one each for js, hbs, and scss.
    1. Click on the + button on the right side of the dialog window. This will create a new File watcher.
    2. Select <custom> option from the context menu that displays.
    3. Name the File Watcher so that represents one of the three types above.
    4. Select either JavaScript, SCSS Style Sheet, or HTML depending on which File Watcher you are establishing.
    5. Select the /src/ folder and then click the Include Recursively button. The Pattern field should appear.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Set the Program in the Edit Watcher dialog window to yarn.
    8. Set the Arguments to run build in the Edit Watcher dialog window.
    9. Set the Output paths to refresh to $ProjectFileDir$.
      1. Note: $ProjectFileDir$ is a PhpStorm macro.
    10. Set the Working Directory to $ProjectFileDir$\assets.
    11. Click Ok.
  5. Repeat the steps above once for js, hbs, and scss.