
The Vim Configuration. Uses NeoBundle to manage plugins.

Primary LanguageVim script

The Vim Configuration. Build Status

If you're trying to use this config checkout this cheat sheet.


  1. git clone http://github.com/phanle/vimfiles.git ~/.vim
  2. ~/.vim/install more...
  3. Enjoy

Recommended Setup (OSX/Linux)

Faster and better autocomplete


brew reinstall vim --with-lua
brew reinstall macvim --with-lua


sudo apt-get install vim-nox



brew uninstall ctags
brew tap kopischke/ctags
brew install ctags-fishman --HEAD


exuberant-ctags from your OS is generally enough for most things, but if you want more CSS, ruby and other goodnesses you will need to manually compile and replace your ctags installation with: https://github.com/fishman/ctags

Plugin Installation / Requirements

I may make this more verbose later, but for now, here's a list of plugins that require further installation:




Terminal Vim

Terminal Vim

Install Script

The directory contains a bash script named install. install will create your local override files (.vimrc.loca.before and .vimrc.local), symlink .vimrc and .gvimrc. It will also install golang's tools if you have golang on your $PATH.



" will save automatically when exiting the buffer
" 0 or 1, defaults 0
let g:autosave = 1

Plugin Installation / Requirements

Be sure to always edit the vimrc using ,vi, which opens the vimrc in the .vim folder. Vim has a nasty habit of overriding symlinks.