
Phantasma C++ SDK

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Low-level API

The PhantasmaJsonAPI namespace can construct JSON requests and parse JSON responses, but you are responsible for sending/receiving these messages via HTTP on your own. You can call PhantasmaJsonAPI::Uri() to determine where to send them.

 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAccountRequest(JSONBuilder, addressText);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAccountResponse(JSONValue, Account);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeLookUpNameRequest(JSONBuilder, name);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseLookUpNameResponse(JSONValue, String);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetBlockHeightRequest(JSONBuilder, chainInput);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetBlockHeightResponse(JSONValue, Int32);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetBlockTransactionCountByHashRequest(JSONBuilder, blockHash);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetBlockTransactionCountByHashResponse(JSONValue, Int32);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetBlockByHashRequest(JSONBuilder, blockHash);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetBlockByHashResponse(JSONValue, Block);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetRawBlockByHashRequest(JSONBuilder, blockHash);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetRawBlockByHashResponse(JSONValue, String);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetBlockByHeightRequest(JSONBuilder, chainInput, height);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetBlockByHeightResponse(JSONValue, Block);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetRawBlockByHeightRequest(JSONBuilder, chainInput, height);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetRawBlockByHeightResponse(JSONValue, String);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexRequest(JSONBuilder, blockHash, index);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexResponse(JSONValue, Transaction);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAddressTransactionsRequest(JSONBuilder, addressText, page, pageSize);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAddressTransactionsResponse(JSONValue, AccountTransactions);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAddressTransactionCountRequest(JSONBuilder, addressText, chainInput);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAddressTransactionCountResponse(JSONValue, Int32);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeSendRawTransactionRequest(JSONBuilder, txData);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseSendRawTransactionResponse(JSONValue, String);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeInvokeRawScriptRequest(JSONBuilder, chainInput, scriptData);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseInvokeRawScriptResponse(JSONValue, Script);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTransactionRequest(JSONBuilder, hashText);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTransactionResponse(JSONValue, Transaction);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeCancelTransactionRequest(JSONBuilder, hashText);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseCancelTransactionResponse(JSONValue, String);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetChainsRequest(JSONBuilder);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetChainsResponse(JSONValue, vector<Chain>);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTokensRequest(JSONBuilder);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTokensResponse(JSONValue, vector<Token>);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTokenRequest(JSONBuilder, symbol);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTokenResponse(JSONValue, Token);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTokenDataRequest(JSONBuilder, symbol, IDtext);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTokenDataResponse(JSONValue, TokenData);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAppsRequest(JSONBuilder);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAppsResponse(JSONValue, vector<App>);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTokenTransfersRequest(JSONBuilder, tokenSymbol, page, pageSize);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTokenTransfersResponse(JSONValue, vector<Transaction>);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTokenTransferCountRequest(JSONBuilder, tokenSymbol);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTokenTransferCountResponse(JSONValue, Int32);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetTokenBalanceRequest(JSONBuilder, addressText, tokenSymbol, chainInput);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetTokenBalanceResponse(JSONValue, Balance);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAuctionsCountRequest(JSONBuilder, chainAddressOrName, symbol);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAuctionsCountResponse(JSONValue, Int32);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAuctionsRequest(JSONBuilder, chainAddressOrName, symbol, page, pageSize);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAuctionsResponse(JSONValue, vector<Auction>);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetAuctionRequest(JSONBuilder, chainAddressOrName, symbol, IDtext);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetAuctionResponse(JSONValue, Auction);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetArchiveRequest(JSONBuilder, hashText);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetArchiveResponse(JSONValue, Archive);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeWriteArchiveRequest(JSONBuilder, hashText, blockIndex, blockContent);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseWriteArchiveResponse(JSONValue, bool);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetABIRequest(JSONBuilder, chainAddressOrName, contractName);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetABIResponse(JSONValue, ABIContract);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeRelaySendRequest(JSONBuilder, receiptHex);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseRelaySendResponse(JSONValue, bool);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeRelayReceiveRequest(JSONBuilder, accountInput);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseRelayReceiveResponse(JSONValue, vector<Receipt>);
 void PhantasmaJsonAPI::MakeGetEventsRequest(JSONBuilder, accountInput);
 bool PhantasmaJsonAPI::ParseGetEventsResponse(JSONValue, vector<Event>);

High-level API

If you have defined PHANTASMA_HTTPCLIENT, then you can construct a PhantasmaAPI object, which provides a simplified API that hides the internal JSON messaging.

 PhantasmaAPI phantasmaAPI(httpClient);
 Account = phantasmaAPI.GetAccount(addressText, error);
 String = phantasmaAPI.LookUpName(name, error);
 Int32 = phantasmaAPI.GetBlockHeight(chainInput, error);
 Int32 = phantasmaAPI.GetBlockTransactionCountByHash(blockHash, error);
 Block = phantasmaAPI.GetBlockByHash(blockHash, error);
 String = phantasmaAPI.GetRawBlockByHash(blockHash, error);
 Block = phantasmaAPI.GetBlockByHeight(chainInput, height, error);
 String = phantasmaAPI.GetRawBlockByHeight(chainInput, height, error);
 Transaction = phantasmaAPI.GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash, index, error);
 AccountTransactions = phantasmaAPI.GetAddressTransactions(addressText, page, pageSize, error);
 Int32 = phantasmaAPI.GetAddressTransactionCount(addressText, chainInput, error);
 String = phantasmaAPI.SendRawTransaction(txData, error);
 Script = phantasmaAPI.InvokeRawScript(chainInput, scriptData, error);
 Transaction = phantasmaAPI.GetTransaction(hashText, error);
 String = phantasmaAPI.CancelTransaction(hashText, error);
 vector<Chain> = phantasmaAPI.GetChains(error);
 vector<Token> = phantasmaAPI.GetTokens(error);
 Token = phantasmaAPI.GetToken(symbol, error);
 TokenData = phantasmaAPI.GetTokenData(symbol, IDtext, error);
 vector<App> = phantasmaAPI.GetApps(error);
 vector<Transaction> = phantasmaAPI.GetTokenTransfers(tokenSymbol, page, pageSize, error);
 Int32 = phantasmaAPI.GetTokenTransferCount(tokenSymbol, error);
 Balance = phantasmaAPI.GetTokenBalance(addressText, tokenSymbol, chainInput, error);
 Int32 = phantasmaAPI.GetAuctionsCount(chainAddressOrName, symbol, error);
 vector<Auction> = phantasmaAPI.GetAuctions(chainAddressOrName, symbol, page, pageSize, error);
 Auction = phantasmaAPI.GetAuction(chainAddressOrName, symbol, IDtext, error);
 Archive = phantasmaAPI.GetArchive(hashText, error);
 bool = phantasmaAPI.WriteArchive(hashText, blockIndex, blockContent, error);
 ABIContract = phantasmaAPI.GetABI(chainAddressOrName, contractName, error);
 bool = phantasmaAPI.RelaySend(receiptHex, error);
 vector<Receipt> = phantasmaAPI.RelayReceive(accountInput, error);
 vector<Event> = phantasmaAPI.GetEvents(accountInput, error);

API configuration

As different C++ projects may use different primitive types, you can use the following #defines (BEFORE including phantasma.h) to override the default types.

#define typedef Default Notes
PHANTASMA_BYTE phantasma::Byte uint8_t
PHANTASMA_INT32 phantasma::Int32 int32_t
PHANTASMA_UINT32 phantasma::UInt32 uint32_t
PHANTASMA_INT64 phantasma::Int64 int64_t
PHANTASMA_UINT64 phantasma::UInt64 uint64_t
PHANTASMA_CHAR phantasma::Char char See Unicode section
PHANTASMA_STRING phantasma::String std::string Must support construction from const phantasma::Char*
PHANTASMA_STRINGBUILDER phantasma::StringBuilder std::stringstream
PHANTASMA_VECTOR std::vector Must support push_back and size members
PHANTASMA_JSONVALUE phantasma::JSONValue std::string_view See JSON and Adaptors section
PHANTASMA_JSONARRAY phantasma::JSONArray JSONValue See JSON and Adaptors section
PHANTASMA_JSONDOCUMENT phantasma::JSONDocument std::string See JSON and Adaptors section
PHANTASMA_JSONBUILDER phantasma::JSONBuilder std::stringstream* See JSON and Adaptors section
PHANTASMA_HTTPCLIENT phantasma::HttpClient See HTTP and Adaptors section

The behavior of this header can further be modified by using the following #defines (BEFORE including phantasma.h)

#define Notes
PHANTASMA_EXCEPTION(message) See Exceptions section
PHANTASMA_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(message, String) See Exceptions section
PHANTASMA_LITERAL(x) See Unicode section
PHANTASMA_FUNCTION See Integration section


The core of API is provided in the "single header" style to support simple and flexible integration into your project (see https://github.com/nothings/single_file_libs / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Header-only). The implementation of function bodies will be excluded unless you define PHANTASMA_IMPLEMENTATION before including phantasma.h.

See the "Extended/Advanced usage" section, below for details on what is excluded from this single header file.

Typical linking: In one CPP file, before including phantasma.h:


Inline linking: In every CPP file that uses the API, before including phantasma.h:



Aside from PHANTASMA_IMPLEMENTATION / PHANTASMA_FUNCTION, you should take care to ensure that every other PHANTASMA_* macro is defined to the same value in all of your CPP files that use the phantasma API.


Support for C++ exceptions is opt-in. Before including phantasma.h, define the following to enable exceptions:


Alternatively, you can customize the exact type that is thrown by defining:

#define PHANTASMA_EXCEPTION(message) throw std::runtime_error(message)

#define PHANTASMA_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(message, string) throw std::runtime_error(string)


To build a wide-character version of the API, define the following before including phantasma.h:

#define PHANTASMA_CHAR wchar_t

#define PHANTASMA_LITERAL(x) L ## x

#define PHANTASMA_STRING std::wstring

#define PHANTASMA_STRINGBUILDER std::wstringstream

Alternatively, if _UNICODE is defined, then the above macros will be defined automatically.

You should also provide a JSON and HTTP library with wide-character support.


Parts of the Phantasma SDK are designed to plug into external features, such as HTTP communications, JSON encoding and advanced cryptography. You can configure the SDK to connect to your own implemenations, or existing libraries. To make integration easier, we provide several "adaptor" header files that contain the required configuration to connect the Phantasma SDK to existing popular open source libraries for different features:

Library Features #include file Library URL
C++ REST HTTP + JSON Adapters/PhantasmaAPI_cpprest.h https://github.com/microsoft/cpprestsdk
libcurl HTTP Adapters/PhantasmaAPI_curl.h https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/
RapidJSON JSON Adapters/PhantasmaAPI_rapidjson.h http://rapidjson.org/
Sodium Cryptography Adapters/PhantasmaAPI_sodium.h https://libsodium.org


This header contains JSON parsing and building code, but it is written to be as simple as possible (approx 200 lines of code) and is not high-performance or highly robust.

It is recommended that you supply another JSON-parsing API, by defining the following macros before including phantasma.h:

#define PHANTASMA_JSONVALUE Your_Json_Value_Type

#define PHANTASMA_JSONARRAY Your_Json_Array_Type


#define PHANTASMA_JSONBUILDER Your_Json_Serializer_Type

The CPP REST and RapidJSON adaptors implement these macros.

Also, this header uses the following procedural API to interact with these types. If you have supplied your own JSON types, you must implement the following functions:

 namespace phantasma { namespace json {
    JSONValue Parse(const JSONDocument&);
    bool      LookupBool(   const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    Int32     LookupInt32(  const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    UInt32    LookupUInt32( const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    String    LookupString( const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    JSONValue LookupValue(  const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    JSONArray LookupArray(  const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    bool      HasField(     const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    bool      HasArrayField(const JSONValue&, const Char* field, bool& out_error);
    bool      AsBool(       const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    Int32     AsInt32(      const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    UInt32    AsUInt32(     const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    String    AsString(     const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    JSONArray AsArray(      const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    bool      IsArray(      const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    bool      IsObject(     const JSONValue&,                    bool& out_error);
    int       ArraySize(    const JSONArray&,                    bool& out_error);
    JSONValue IndexArray(   const JSONArray&, int index,         bool& out_error);
                           void BeginObject(JSONBuilder&);
                           void AddString  (JSONBuilder&, const Char* key, const Char* value);
   template<class... Args> void AddArray   (JSONBuilder&, const Char* key, Args...);
                           void EndObject  (JSONBuilder&);


This header does not contain a HTTP client, nor a dependency on any specific HTTP client library. If you do not supply a HTTP client library, then only the Low-level phantasma API (PhantasmaJsonAPI) is available.

To enable the PhantasmaAPI class, defining the following macro before including phantasma.h:


The CPP REST and libcurl adaptors implement this macro.

Also, this header uses the following procedural API to interact with this type. If you have defined PHANTASMA_HTTPCLIENT, you must implement the following, function, which should perform a HTTP POST request and return the result:

 namespace phantasma {
  JSONDocument HttpPost(HttpClient&, const Char* uri, const JSONBuilder&);

Extended/Advanced usage

This header file contains the entirety of the RPC API requried to communicate with a Phantasma node. If you are not trying to create transactions, this may be enough for you.

However, for advanced usage, such as creating and signing transactions, much more code is required, including cryptography, N-bit ingeger arithmetic, etc. The other header files that are included in this distribution, in sub-folders listed below, provide these extra features:

Directory Features
Adapters Configuration for this library to communicate with 3rd party libraries
Blockchain Transactions
Cryptography Public/Private keys, Signatures, Random numbers, Encryption
Numerics N-bit integer implementation. Base 16/58 ASCII encoding.
Security Practical memory protection.

  • Extended/Advanced usage - Security configuration

To securely process transactions and private keys, it is strongly advised to pair the PhantasmaAPI with strong 3rd party security library.

The Sodium adaptor implements these macros.

PHANTASMA_RANDOMBYTES Fill a memory range with cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers
PHANTASMA_WIPEMEM Fill a memory range with 0's in a way that won't be "optimized away"
PHANTASMA_LOCKMEM Pin the memory pages containing this range, and otherwise inform the OS that it contains secrets.
PHANTASMA_UNLOCKMEM Undo the actions of PHANTASMA_LOCKMEM, but also fill the memory range with 0's as with PHANTASMA_WIPEMEM.
PHANTASMA_SECURE_ALLOC Similar to malloc, but should return dedicated pages that can have their access permissions modified.
PHANTASMA_SECURE_FREE Similar to free - used with allocations returned from PHANTASMA_SECURE_ALLOC
PHANTASMA_SECURE_NOACCESS Used with allocations returned from PHANTASMA_SECURE_ALLOC. Mark the pages as non-readable.
PHANTASMA_SECURE_READONLY Used with allocations returned from PHANTASMA_SECURE_ALLOC. Mark the pages as read only.
PHANTASMA_SECURE_READWRITE Used with allocations returned from PHANTASMA_SECURE_ALLOC. Mark the pages as writable.

  • Extended/Advanced usage - Cryptography configuration

To create or validate transactions, an EdDSA Ed25519 implementation is requied. The libSodium adaptor implements these macros.

PHANTASMA_Ed25519_PublicKeyFromSeed Generate a 32 byte public key from a 32 byte seed.
PHANTASMA_Ed25519_PrivateKeyFromSeed Generate a 64 byte public key from a 32 byte seed.
PHANTASMA_Ed25519_SignDetached Generate a 64 byte signature from a message and a private key.
PHANTASMA_Ed25519_ValidateDetached Validate a 64 byte signature using a public key.