[PYTORCH] Deeplab


Pytorch implementation of the model described in the paper DeepLab: Semantic resultss Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs paper.


I used 2 different datases: VOC2012 and VOCaugmented (VOC2007 + 2012) Statistics of datasets I used for experiments is shown below

Dataset #Classes #Train resultsss #Validation resultsss
VOC2012 20 5011 1449
VOCaugmented 20 1464 1449


  • Using Valohai platform
  • Valohai platform overview graph


I trained models in Valohai platform using CSC Cluster. The model version control show in the picture. For each run Valohai save the results, export log, metadata and model to CSC Cloud storage


  • VOC2012 voc2012 loss
  • VOCaugmented vocaugmented loss


Some output predictions for experiments for each dataset are shown below:

  • VOC2012

  • VOCaugmented