
Yii Framework PHP CodeSniffer Coding Standard

Primary LanguagePHP

Yii Framework PHP CodeSniffer Coding Standard (official repo)

You can read about Yii standard here: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii/wiki/Core-framework-code-style

How to install

  1. Install PEAR:

  2. Install PHP_CodeSniffer:

     pear install PHP_CodeSniffer
  3. Install Yii Coding Standard:

     git clone git://github.com/Ardem/yii-coding-standard.git Yii
     sudo ln -sv /path/to/yii-coding-standard/Yii $(pear config-get php_dir)/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards
  4. If you want, you can set Yii as coding standard by default:

     phpcs --config-set default_standard Yii

How to make a simple test

  1. Checking a file (if yii-coding-standard is your standard by default)

     phpcs path/to/file.php
  2. Checking a file (if yii-coding-standard is NOT your standard by default)

     phpcs --standard=Yii /path/to/file.php
  3. Checking a directory (if yii-coding-standard is your standard by default)

     phpcs /path/to/directory
  4. Checking a directory (if yii-coding-standard is NOT your standard by default)

     phpcs --standard=Yii /path/to/directory

How to use CS in IDE

  1. NetBeans:

  2. PHPStorm

  3. Zend Studio


How to make a standard coding in the team

Use pre-commit hooks, which will make a code standard check for every commit.

  1. For Git

  2. For SVN


Yii-coding-standard and Composer

For using "yii-coding-standard" with Composer, include a dependency for "ardem/yii-coding-standard" in your composer.json file:

            "require": {
                    "ardem/yii-coding-standard": "dev-master"