
To make Eclipse just that little bit easier

Primary LanguageJava


Contains a set of plugins that make Eclipse development just that little bit easier

Project Synchronizer

  • Plugin that locates a refresh button on the Package Explorer toolbar.
  • Click the button to refresh all projectes in the workspace from a selected parent directory.
  • Useful to updating a plugin repository if it has just been updated via a version control mechanism, eg. git
  • Deletes invalid projects
  • Adds new projects from the selected directory
  • Moves all projects into sensible working sets based on the parent directories of the projects. ** A typical RCP repository will have features and plugins directories so the workspace will get similar working sets

Dependency Version Checker

  • Plugin that searchs all workspace projects and checks their manifests for min and max versions.
  • Should a manifest contain a min version but not a max version then the next major version is added as the max version.

Update Site

To install directly into eclipse, an update site is available here

How To

  • Once installed, 2 extra buttons will be displayed on the Package Explorer Toolbar, one for Synchronizer and one for Dependency Version checker.