Using DBT to transform NYC Taxi Trips Data into a BI-ready star schema.

Data transformation stages

A taxi_trips interface was created as a DBT macro called get_trip_fields in order to achieve fields consistency for different kind of taxi types (yellow/green). Then all of these trips are merged into a fact_trips table that aggregates dim_zones as a dimension so that pickup and dropoff locations data are properly defined.

Data transformation diagram

Data's source and structure

Data in BigQuery datasets is transformed to models in DBT. This is the structure of the raw data imported into DBT:

  • vendorid: A code indicating the TPEP provider that provided the record.
    • 1= Creative Mobile Technologies, LLC
    • 2= VeriFone Inc.
  • tpep_pickup_datetime: The date and time when the meter was engaged.
  • tpep_dropoff_datetime: The date and time when the meter was disengaged.
  • Passenger_count: The number of passengers in the vehicle. (driver-entered value).
  • Trip_distance: The elapsed trip distance in miles reported by the taximeter.
  • PULocationID: TLC Taxi Zone in which the taximeter was engaged.
  • DOLocationID: TLC Taxi Zone in which the taximeter was disengaged.
  • RateCodeID: The final rate code in effect at the end of the trip.
    • 1= Standard rate
    • 2= JFK
    • 3= Newark
    • 4= Nassau or Westchester
    • 5= Negotiated fare
    • 6= Group ride
  • Store_and_fwd_flag: This flag indicates whether the trip record was held in vehicle memory before sending to the vendor.
  • Payment_type: A numeric code signifying how the passenger paid for the trip.
    • 1= Credit card
    • 2= Cash
    • 3= No charge
    • 4= Dispute
    • 5= Unknown
    • 6= Voided trip
  • Fare_amount: The time-and-distance fare calculated by the meter.
  • Extra: Miscellaneous extras and surcharges.
  • MTA_tax: $0.50 MTA tax that is automatically triggered based on the metered rate in use.
  • Improvement_surcharge: $0.30 improvement surcharge assessed trips at the flag drop. The improvement surcharge began being levied in 2015.
  • Tip_amount: Tip amount – This field is automatically populated for credit card tips. Cash tips are not included.
  • Tolls_amount: Total amount of all tolls paid in trip.
  • Total_amount: The total amount charged to passengers. Does not include cash tips.
  • Congestion_Surcharge: Total amount collected in trip for NYS congestion surcharge.
  • Airport_fee: $1.25 for pick up only at LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy Airports.

Data extracted from:

How was the structure defined into a BI-ready star schema

The star schema's structure was defined by the need to answer the following BI questions and needs:

  • Is there a correlation between trip distance and fare amount?
  • What is the average tip amount for different payment types?
  • Which pickup and dropoff locations are most frequent?
  • How does the total amount charged vary with time of day or day of the week?
  • Are there differences in trip fares between trips with the "Store_and_fwd_flag" enabled and disabled?
  • How does passenger count vary with time?

The raw data itself only provides ids for pickup and dropoff locations. This is why it was needed to a zones dimension to our star schema to provide context and more friendly data. The zones dimension provides the following data about locations:

  • borough
  • zone
  • service_zone

With this data we can then now exactly know where trips are started and ended.