
Implementation of Machine Learning metrics for Pharo

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT

Build status Coverage Status Pharo version Pharo version Pharo version Pharo version License


This package is part of the Pharo AI project: It contains implementations, tests and documentation of different metrics for Machine Learning models. The evaluation metrics allows to assess how a trained Machine Learning model has performed.

For more information please refer to the wiki: https://github.com/pharo-ai/wiki/blob/master/wiki/DataExploration/Metrics.md

There is explained with more detail the available metrics and how to use them.

How to install it

EpMonitor disableDuring: [ 
   Metacello new
      baseline: 'AIMetrics';
      repository: 'github://pharo-ai/metrics';
      load ]

How to depend on it

   baseline: 'AIMetrics' 
   with: [ spec repository: 'github://pharo-ai/metrics' ].

Types of metrics:

  • Clustering metrics
  • Regression metrics
  • Classification metrics

Example: Mean Squared Error (AIMeanSquaredError)

| yTrue yPredicted metric |
metric := AIMeanSquaredError new.
yTrue := #( 3 -0.5 2 7 ).
yPredicted := #( 2.5 0.0 2 8 ).
metric computeForActual: yTrue predicted: yPredicted "0.375"

Example: Accuracy Score (AIAccuracyScore)

| yTrue yPredicted metric |
metric := AIAccuracyScore new.
yTrue := #( 0 1 2 3 ).
yPredicted := #( 0 2 1 3 ).
metric computeForActual: yTrue predicted: yPredicted "0.5"