Pharo is a dynamic reflective pure object-oriented language supporting live programming inspired by Smalltalk.
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Coverage collector picks first node that matches instead of covered node
#17264 opened by balsa-sarenac - 1
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The cyclomatic complexity is heigh -> high
#17229 opened by Ducasse - 3
[CI] Segmentation faults on code loading
#17286 opened by MarcusDenker - 4
Refactoring UI flow enhancements
#17307 opened by balsa-sarenac - 1
`String>>#asInteger` has not defined behavior
#17277 opened by jordanmontt - 0
Why RePullUpMethodDriver >> changes does not call changes
#17304 opened by Ducasse - 0
RBRemoveMethodsInHierarchyRefactoring could be called from the RemoveMethodDriver
#17303 opened by Ducasse - 2
Rename argument should not allow names with spaces
#17258 opened by balsa-sarenac - 1
Welcome Brower: Instance of MicRichTextComposer did not understand #evaluate:
#17238 opened by jordanmontt - 0
Export settings fails while exporting non-standard settings
#17272 opened by hernanmd - 1
[RB] create accessor does not generate new accessor with a new name when present in superclass
#17294 opened by Ducasse - 1
[RB] Add bulk renaming refactoring
#17296 opened by Gabriel-Darbord - 0
[RB] Shared variable from/to class/instance side
#17298 opened by Gabriel-Darbord - 0
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[Refactorings] Cannot use "Generate accessors"
#17280 opened by jecisc - 0
Rename OupsNullException and improve its behavior
#17289 opened by StevenCostiou - 1
Interval size error with Floating Point step
#17284 opened by rjsargent - 3
[CI] test timeout WIN SocketStreamTest
#17244 opened by MarcusDenker - 0
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Shortcuts "editor" in Setting Browser does not work
#17275 opened by hernanmd - 0
Bug when openning branch with calypso (iceberg menu)
#17270 opened by ELePors - 0
[CI] Failing test on CI: ReMethodsSendNoSupersendsTest>>testMethodSendingMessageToSuper
#17253 opened by MarcusDenker - 0
[CI] Failing test on CI: RBPullUpMethodParametrizedTest>>testPullUpMethodWithCopyOverriddenMethodsDown
#17252 opened by MarcusDenker - 0
[Refactorings] Enhance RenameInstanceVariable with also renaming accessors
#17224 opened by NicolasAnquetil - 1
On windows, File browser will cause image to freeze when accessing D: partition
#17226 opened by NicolasAnquetil - 0
Rename instance variable parse tree rewriter rewrites occurrences in selectors and comments
#17267 opened by balsa-sarenac - 0
Duplicate class driver should use allNonMetaClasses
#17262 opened by hernanmd - 3
Browser: Lost "copy method name" Button
#17251 opened by MarcusDenker - 0
Metacello support for GitLab subgroups
#17261 opened by JanBliznicenko - 2
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Debug session cannot update their exception, and then provides the debugger incorrect information about the execution state
#17250 opened by StevenCostiou - 1
Fix rotten green tests of Refactorings
#17248 opened by balsa-sarenac - 0
DrTests connect results with context menu
#17249 opened by balsa-sarenac - 0
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[Refactoring] conceptual limit/bug of addMethod refactoring
#17235 opened by Ducasse - 0
Refactoring: Cannot rename class side instance variable
#17234 opened by balsa-sarenac - 0
Rename ReMethodsDontReferToSharedVarsCondition as ReMethodsDontReferToLocalSharedVarsCondition
#17218 opened by Ducasse - 0
Cleanup #classes/#classesAndTraits
#17233 opened by jecisc - 0
Sloppy bestNodeFor: return value and not assignment
#17231 opened by Ducasse - 0
Cleaning up bestNodeFor: tests
#17230 opened by Ducasse - 1
Remove ReNoDuplicateMethodCondition
#17217 opened by Ducasse - 1
Progress Bar in Dark Theme does not have a good contrast
#17225 opened by tesonep - 1
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[RB] Should revisit checkSuperclass in PullUp
#17222 opened by Ducasse - 0
[Re] Revisit RBPullUpMethodTransformation
#17220 opened by Ducasse - 0
PullUp method has cutting edges
#17219 opened by Ducasse