
An opinionated router for express

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An opinionated router for express.

This router assumes that you are willing to route the request into controller.action() style. and by defult it assumes the controller files are located in ./controllers directory and end in -controller.js file names. you can always change these options.

Also note that you can specify a resource name and the router will generate the CRUD routes for you.

install it via npm:

npm install xpress-router --save

simply use it this way:

var express = require('express');
var router = require('xpress-router');

var app = express();
var routes = [
  {method: 'get', path: '/', controller: 'home', action: 'index'},
  {resource: '/books', controller: 'books'}
router(app, routes);

This code will register these routes:

GET / -> home.index
GET /books -> books.index
GET /books/new -> books.add
POST /books -> books.create
GET /books/:id -> books.show
GET /books/:id/edit -> books.edit
PUT /books/:id -> books.update
DELETE /books/:id -> books.destroy

a sample content for ./controllers/home-controller.js file would be:

function index(req, res, next){
  res.end('This is our homepage.');

module.exports.index = index;

the third parameter for the router is options and here is its default values. change them if you need to:

  controllerDirectory: process.cwd() + '/controllers/',
  controllerFileSuffix: '-controller.js',
  resourceRoutesTemplate: [
    {method: 'get', pathSuffix: '', action: 'index'},
    {method: 'get', pathSuffix: '/new', action: 'add'},
    {method: 'post', pathSuffix: '', action: 'create'},
    {method: 'get', pathSuffix: '/:id', action: 'show'},
    {method: 'get', pathSuffix: '/:id/edit', action: 'edit'},
    {method: 'put', pathSuffix: '/:id', action: 'update'},
    {method: 'delete', pathSuffix: '/:id', action: 'delete'}
  logRoutesList: true // in development mode

You can also specify any number of middlewares for each routes:

var routes = [
  {method: 'get', path: '/dashboard', controller: 'dashboard', action: 'index'
    middlewares: [(req, res, next) => {
        //check for user authentication before letting her in