
wip game, kotlin multiplatform mobile + macOS

Primary LanguageKotlin


screenshot of catan board on macOS

Catan clone using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) + macOS.

Project Structure

  • shared: KMM module with shared Kotlin
    • commonMain: on all targets
    • androidMain: on all Android targets
    • darwinMain: on all iOS and macOS targets
    • iosMain: on all iOS targets
    • macosMain: on all macOS targets
    • lots of target-specific source sets
  • android: the android app
    • depends on shared
  • darwin: the XCode project for the macOS and iOS apps, Swift
    • shared: shared Swift code for both apps
    • ios: the iOS app
    • macos: the macOS app

The KMM plugin generates an Obj-C header with a bunch of Swift attributes that the Swift compiler (and XCode) understand how to read, so you can use Kotlin in your Swift.


I'm not sure how to package this yet.

# build framework for macOS target
./gradlew linkDebugFrameworkMacosArm64
# same for iOS
./gradlew linkDebugFrameworkIosArm64

Prior Art